Lina H Hanna

Lina H Hanna

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Reality Check!

Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion” So states Democritus; what is reality? Is it what is unavoidable? Is there an objective common sense out there? Or does our singularity and inner world make us view actuality through the glasses of our attitude, approach, and standards and our interaction with every formula that is affirmed to us?

We all pour from our inner chalice into the cup of life, when we see and experience the world we do that each according to his leanings we either escape a reality we do not wish to admit and cohere to, or at the very best if we enjoy the status Quo as it is, we adhere to its equation admitting its righteousness and defending it with all our might!

Can we truly explain the universe or is it just mere interpretation? Why do we feel compelled to decode the world we inhabit, can’t we just enjoy the charm of mystery, of not knowing it all? Who can know it all to begin with? Why live in utopia?

Human is not super human! We have a limited brainpower that only allows us to get to a certain distance from the truth out there! What we know is nothing compared to the things we ignore, the universe is a big riddle, and a huge puzzle that our partial intellect cannot put together, even if we crack our brain cells over it, even cloning is not perfected yet with all the fuzz around it!

We are master illusionists if we think we can distinguish what is real and what is not in an ever changing world and the insignificance that hovers above the world!

Reality is what we record of it, what our senses capture from it, and we all know our senses are not a trustworthy valid indication; it is not legal to state the facts as fixed finished data; the materialistic is a poor translation of a much higher creation than that which only our logic captures.

Reality requires a great deal of imagination to be absorbed without the risk of suffocation from its overflow while it submerges us; the imagination gives us the power to float and ride the high waves of reality!

But to have extravagance of dealing with life chaos and disorder with creativity and imagination is not to call off your reality to live in your imagination! If you do that you will need a wakeup call, a slap in the face that life won’t be stingy giving it to you, you will have your reality check even if you do not wish to do it so that you can avoid the pain of what is real so that you expand the joy of what is ideal! And the two worlds do not always merge only on very rare occasions do the real and the ideal meet on one table!

The absurd is real as well, it pumps in the heart of reality, so do not attempt to live in denial for things will not cease to exist just because you overlook them as truth. And do not be a disciple of firmness for the same ground you walk upon today will be the underground you will be buried inside the womb of its darkness. Trust but always verify the subject of your conviction!

Do not walk the life with the steady feet of certainty for nothing is worthy of this assurance and remember this: Life is the dream death wakes you up from its nap!

Lina Hanna Hanna.

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