Lina H Hanna

Lina H Hanna

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

عناق الكلمات

كلماتك ، أفكارك ، لمستها برقة ، تأمٌلتها وابتسمت لها كلمة بعد كلمة ، فهي تدفئ صقيع قوقعتي وتؤنس وحشتي ، فأنا أقرأها في كل مكان ، على الأشجار ، على الغيوم، على الأزهار، اسمعها في الهواء ، في تغريد العصافير ، بعيداً عن مخالب البشرية المستشرسة ومن ثم اكتبها مجدٌداً ملايين المرٌات دون أن تكفيني حروفي فكلماتي أكثر بكثير من حبر قلمي ومعظمها يختبئ في طيٌات الصمت ليظهر في لغة جسدي ، في بريق عيوني ، وثمالة روحي المنتشية من خمرة الرٌغبة في احتواء الكون بأسره وأسره داخل كياني ...

كلماتك تختزن أشعة الشمس كلٌها ، فتعكس نوراً إلهياً لا يضاهيه نور ، وهي تمتصٌ كل البشاعة والفظاعة التي تلوٌث هواء الوجود ،أتنشٌقها فتتسرٌب إلى جسدي ، تنعشني وتحييني... تجعلني أمرأة المستحيل وعروسة الدٌهشة ...

أنت القصيدة والشاعر في أنٍ معاً ، أنت نبع دائم الجريان منه اشرب دون أن ارتوي ... أسمعك تتكلٌم حتٌى عندما تصمت ، فصمتك لغة قائمة بحد ذاتها ، أقتحمها بأبجديتي الصٌامتة وأستمتع بحوارات جهنميٌة ترقص على أنغام متناقضة فيها ما يستثير الإنفعالات والمشاعر البشريٌة ، فأغضب تارةً ، وتارةً أخرى أضحك ، وأحياناً أبكي ، وفي معظم الأحيان ، أجد نفسي مرتمية بين احضان هذه الكلمات مستسلمة لعذوبتها ، أتذوٌقها بلهفة المتضوٌرين جوعاً ، التهمها ومن ثم ألعق أصابعي تلذٌذاً ...

كلماتك هي ذروة " الأنا" في "الأنت" تتعانق في حضن الأبدية ، وتتناثر في فضاء الحرية ، فرحة بما هي عليه بعيدةً عن الصراعات على حلبة الوجود فهي محمٌلة بالعاطفة والحنان ، ملوٌنة بجميع الألوان ...

ساحر الكلمات يعيش لها وبها ، ليوقظ نعاس الأذهان فتنتفض لها الأبدان ...

لينا حنا حنا

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

قزم يتوهٌم أنه عملاق

غبيٌ يظن أنه نابغة في الذكاء ، جميل القالب ولكنه قبيح القلب ، جاهل لنفسه لا

يعلم سوى سراب المعرفة وهي درايته بعالم ملطٌخ بدماء كل ما هو خيٌر في الإنسان وبكل القيم والأحلام التي اغتاله بيديه وأعلن موت البراءة والعلاقات النٌظيفة وأهميٌة الفكر وأصحابه ، متوٌجاً نفسه ملك لا يملك حتٌى ما يحكم به عرشه أو يتحكٌم بانفعالاته أو لسانه الذي يطلقه ليقتل برصاصه كل من يكشف حقيقته له ... مسكين ، أشعر بالشٌفقة على حاله ، وحيد في بؤسه ، ضحيٌة ضعفه وعجزه عن مواجهة الحياة ومن القفز فوق حواجزها ...

صغير أمام ضخامة النفس البشرية ، تافه أمام أهميٌة الإنسان وتساميه عن اّدميته ليعلو إلى مرتبة الإله بقدرته على الحب والتٌسامح ومعرفة الذات ...

يفضل السٌخافة على الثٌقافة ، يدين الأخرين ويحكم عليهم وينعتهم ويصنٌفهم متناسياً أنه منهم أيضاً ، بأنه ليس سوى بشريٌ ناقص لم يفلح حتٌى بإنسانيٌته ، أعمى البصيرة وحادٌ البصر ...

له أقول: مهما قلت لي من كلمات لتشويه صورتي لنفسي ، كلماتك عاقر، مملوءة من فراغ روحك ، ومن ضعفك ، لست رجلاً بل أنت ولد كبير ، يغضب ويشتم ، لعدم فهمه لما يدور حوله ، كلماتك الجارحة لا تجرحني لأنٌها لا تستطيع أن تخترق جلدي بل وقعت على اسفلت ملعبك حيث تلعب ألاعيب الصٌغار دون أن تستفيد من الٌلعب لتنمو وتنضج ...

قد ظننت بأني استطيع أن أغيٌر البشاعة التي تتآكلك ولكني سرعان ما تيقٌنت بأنها ثقافتك الوحيدة ، عار عليك ، أن ترمي بكل ما هو نظيف لجرذان أواسخك ، أن تدنٌس كل ما هو مقدٌس ، أن تسرق عفوية الٌلحظات ، أن تدوس على الأبعاد الروحيٌة والفكرية للإنسان التي تبعده عن دونيته ودنيا المادٌة لترفعه إلى أرقى المستويات ...

لقد سقط قناعك ، وكم كرهت ما رأيت ، لأول مرٌة كنت أفضٌل الوهم والكذب على الحقيقة والواقع فالحقيقة ثقيلة الوطأة ، لا يمكن التعرٌض لها دفعة واحدة فقد تقتل ... وقد قتلت صورتك في ذهني لتحلٌ مكانها صورتك أمامي ...

نصيحتي لك لا تكن سجين أفكارك الضيٌقة المقولبة والمستنسخة ، بل ابحث عن نورك الخاص في أشدٌ الأماكن ظلمةً ، تحرٌى عن أجوبتك وادحض جميع معادلاتك ، كن ليٌناً وافتح نوافذ قلبك لتدخل شمس التٌعاطف فتدفئ صقيع دهاليز روحك ...

لينا حنا حنا

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Shackles and Chains

Ambushed, locked in, dragging the heavy iron chains wrapped around me I take my steps , days haul as the minutes conspire to suffocate me while I feel their slow cold passage on my weary heart , as I feel exhausted and sedated from carrying all those moments of what feels a hollow eternity of going back to the start in a vicious circle where I can hardly feel what is it that I feel , it’s like I am present but absent in my very presence, voices sound like far away and distant echoes , where words sound like a distorted noise and where looking at the faces of the persons I see is like watching the nothingness inside of me , it s when the demons of despair are having a festival of the sorrow and anguish that eat me up while alive…

It is when I want to soar high but my wings are broken , it s when I want to run and race time but my feet are planted in the ground , it ‘s when I want to be active but all I do is being passive , it is when I am in a bigger cage and that I beat myself into while trying to break free, it is when I have the will but not the means and the ways to make the idea into a tangible reality , it is when I am fighting the world’s cruelty and deceit on my own , it is when the pain is too strong that I no longer suffer it , it is when I am hurt till my bones , it is when I suffocate because I can’t inhale the amount of air that I need , it is when I feel forsaken and abandoned , it is when the universe betray me and that destiny mock my positivity …

In those days I fall into a cyclone of gloom and doom, when nothing is going right and everything is just one huge mess, when the rose of my soul die of thirst, it is when the birds of my inner garden suddenly stop singing, it is when my inner well runs dry, it is when the aster of my being leaves its sky and only darkness remains…

It is when reality wins over the dream and when capability is killed by the lack of opportunity, it is the surrender replacing the struggle, it is when I just do not have the strengths within me, it is me not enjoying anything because I was long deprived of many things, it is me not being interested anymore after I stayed interested for very long, it is the slap of time on my face after I cuddled with hours and made friends with days that turned against me , it is the price I pay for being a dreamer , an idealist in a material world , where the monster of consumption is feeding from the blood of production , it is the thief of joy stealing my happiness away from me by challenging me to let go of me in order to be …

I am worn out , i am tired from walking down a road that is not leading me anywhere, I am drained out , losing my breath of life tormented from living too little when I want to live too much and feel too much from accomplishing too little when I want to achieve the impossible . Where is the exit? I want a way out , my soul is in agony , my heart is a rebellion , but will its revolution be fruitful , will I bloom or just disintegrate in my own sorrow ?

Lina Hanna Hanna

البحث عن لآلئ الذات

في بحر الوجوديٌة ، أمواج العبثيٌة تهدد البشريٌة ، كلنا نتصارع مع أنفسنا ومع

الآخرين محاولين الهروب من المأزق الوجوديٌ لأننا نريد أن نجد مخرجاً من متاهات كياننا ، نرغب في الفرار بعيداً عن همومنا المؤرقة وعن ملل حياتنا اليومية وتكرار التكرار ليلاً نهار ، إنه الإحباط ، القنوط والقصور في إيجاد معنًى أسمى نتجاوز به الآنيٌة ، لذا نغوص في قعر أنفسنا علٌنا بذلك نضع أيدينا على لآلئنا الدٌفينة في ظلمة أعماقنا...

نعيش في عالم مجنون حيث تسود الفوضى الوجودية والعدميٌة ، حيث يتساوى الٌلاشيء مع كل شيء ، حيث وجود الشيء وانعدامه على حد السٌواء ، حيث الهامش لم يعد مهمٌشاً بل أصبح الصفحة بأكملها ونحن ندور حول أنفسنا بخضٌم هذا كله بعد أن أضعناها في تفاصيل الحياة اليومية وعصر السرعة وإذ بنا نركض وراء ذاتنا الضٌالة فتارةً نبحث عنها بغير مكانها وتارةً نبحث عنها بمكانها ولكن تكون الرؤية ضبابية فيتعثٌر علينا ايجادها ولكننا نأبى أن نكفٌ عن البحث ،فنحن بعجزنا وبضعفنا نتوق إلى معرفة بأن هناك ما هو أعظم وأبعد من هذا الكون ، نريد لعلامات الإستفهام أن تستقيم ، نريد الأجوبة على ما لا جواب له ضمن محدوديٌة عقلنا البشري ليكون لنا العزاء والطمأنينة في خضم كل المتغيرٌات والتحوٌلات في الحياة... لذا نحن دائماً أبداً في رحلة إستكشاف للذات في جميع ألوانها وقبائلها ... فمعرفة النفس تحصٌنها ضد تقلٌبات الزمان والإنسان وتضعها على برٌ الأمان ...

هي الجسر الذي يساعدنا على العبور إلى الضفٌة الأخرى بعيداً عن مستنقع الأحزان وعن وكر الأوهام وزوبعة الكلام الفارغ فنطأ أرض الحقيقة ونرتمي في احضان النور في حالة تنوير لا مثيل لها ...

لا تهلع إن شعرت بأنك فقدت ذاتك ، فإنك بفقدانها تجدها ، وبابتعادك عنها اقترابك منها ... ولا تخف إن وجدتها متغيٌرة بل افرح بصيرورتها فهي دائمة الإنشداد إلى ما ما يمكن أن تكون ...

لينا حنا حنا

A Tribute to My Godmother: My second Mother

She graces me with her heavenly smile, she shelters me from any harm, she lights up my world with her mesmerizing loving voice, always there when she is needed , always supporting me , putting up with me when I give her a hard time , she is simply divine…

Eyes so glowing with the flame of love and compassion, tongue that speaks only a language of sympathy and understanding, she is a soldier of righteousness, a warrior of humanity, a hard working woman and a great mother, an adorable wife and a finer friend you can never find …

To say I love her would be an understatement, to say I admire the person she is does not do her justice, to talk about her golden heart is the hardest task for me for her treasures are beyond this world and words commit suicide when describing her refinement…

I am not only tied with her by the blood bond but rather by the heart bond as well, for even if she was not my aunty she would still be my role model and a second mother to me , to have my own biological mother has been more than a blessing to me and to have her as my aunty is twice a blessing and I thank God for the amount of love they shower me with , I ask him to be worthy of his bounty giving me two walking angels while on earth…

Her name is Violette and a violet she is, no flower can ever match her fragrance and her beauty, 5she stands in pride her head towards the sky, always positive, keeping her faith and living her beliefs is what makes her life ease…

She is constantly around; she has a charm that no human can resist, her laughter is a new birth, her insight makes you rich with the pearls of her mind, she is the closest to perfection that I can ever see and I am forever grateful she is in my life, she is my pride and she is my star …

May God always keep her in my world so that it can become more bearable and less challenging …

I love you Aunty

Lina Hanna Hanna

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Untamed and wild

In my bewilderment I enjoy letting go of my nomadic self where I can roam and wander off getting lost in my inner worlds … Running free in the wilderness of my being

I run towards the sun, I look towards the horizon of my soul; I seek new territories, fresh rivers and new scenery … I am forever in quest for what makes me feel i am more alive and less existing …

I embrace the here and now with arms wide open; I hug the unexpected and kiss the lips of mystery I encounter within me and within others…

I can’t get enough of learning and discovering, I do not mind climbing my own mountains nor descending to my deepest deep bottom valley at the same time … when a feeling emerges no matter how dark it may be I welcome it and enjoy its burst …

I am always on the run, high on emotions and enjoying the pain of wanting too much and thinking too much and feeling too much, I enjoy being me even when I hate the me among the many me that inhabits me, the tribes of woman inside of me never scare me, I always seek to understand and never to judge my own being …

I find pleasure in my own madness, I rejoice my multi dimensions, I celebrate my demons as much as I celebrate my angels, I enjoy driving fast and loud music, I savor the sweetness of life in the same way I taste its bitterness, I always find refuge in mother nature and its wisdom … I adore seeing my reflection in the spark I see in the eyes of those whom I love ….

I am knocked out by the pleasures that present themselves to me, I love the road and the travel more than I love to arrive at any destination, I am always eager and keen to find a mind that speaks to mine with no language and no lexis, i am sedated when another heart sings my song and hear my inner music, I am never tired of dancing on the tunes of my inner world and I am always rejuvenated when someone knows how to play on the strings of my being …

I am happy wandering around my inner maps and I do not have any problem with being lost in the labyrinths of my heart , the emotional anarchy I experience is one of my enlightening journeys , it is eye opening and self revealing to me …

Not having a plan is my plan, feeding from the surge of life’s occurrences with no expectancy; just the thrill of being alive is enough for me …

I enjoy the little things in life for they are never small, they are the grand prize in the lottery of existence , I enjoy the smell of my coffee in the morning , the echoes of laughter of my nieces and nephews , the sweet embrace of my mother, the teasing game my sister and I engage ourselves into … My favorite songs and my desired places and faces, roaming in all places in one place and defying the hand of time of my soul having the elixir of my eternal youth in the fountains of my heart where birds sings an everlasting melody …

I sink in my black mood and in the deserted spaces that keep the void of my soul open to be yet filled...i do not curse my depression , I bless my anguish and my sorrow for it gives me two wings to fly above death and soreness …

I enjoy my human experience, living horizonticaly and vertically with all the highs and lows that being a human throws me in its claws and I do not mind fighting back and struggling to get what I want, and to achieve what I never thought myself capable of achieving …

Being me is the greatest gift life has offered me and I am eager to always shed skin and become who I can be , to evolve in a way that allows me to enclose the whole universe within the beats of my heart …

To be one with the world I inhabit is heavenly feeling that cannot be compared, to get pleasure from getting older and still cherish the little girl inside of me is amazing …

To tango with the existence one moment coming together, the other to move apart is an adrenaline rush that pumps blood through my veins and make me insatiable in every shape, way and form, there is never the right dose in my book, I am an extremist by chance and by choice, it is either too much of something or nothing at all …

The horses of my mind will always run free in the wilderness , I will never tame them to please anyone , I am who I am and this is the only way I know who I am …. So either run along with me or just let me be me …

Lina Hanna Hanna..

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Flirting with life

The art of living is capturing divine moments and embracing that rush of blood pumping through our veins at the soft touch of existence when our senses come to life and we experience a new birth of a star inside of us…

A lover of life I will always remain ,high on living i will never cease to be, kissing the lips of danger, and cuddling with the unknown, indulging myself in what the everyday occurrence bring to my table, drinking form the wine of years and getting drunk and high on breathing the sweet air of freedom and of being present in the moment that intoxicates my body and sedates my mind into a rapture of having the chance to see another sunrise and enjoy another sunset… to be able to enjoy the jewels of mother nature and the gifts of father time , savoring each flavor as it passes by …

That sense of awareness that hits me when I wake up and feel happy to be alive, that power that takes over me and makes me invincible, that inner force that I do have the strengths to stand up to my fears and refuse to be held hostage by its threats, to break the chains that imprison me, to run into my wilderness and rejoice the speed, to experience flying while on earth my legs stand still…

To jump above the fences of my intellectual and emotional boundaries and discover a new territory is what life has best to offer, to dance that primitive crazy dance of the untamed self within myself, to scream of joy and ecstasy for being who I am and dying in anticipation for who I can become …

When I rejoice in that shift from darkness to light, when finding out how much I love the eccentric and the bizarre aspect of things, the thrill is beyond this world …

To appreciate the artfulness of the universe around me is to inhale the very soul of this universe and become one with it in a unity that takes me in a journey of mystic beauty …

To put on a show of supremacy over the world I inhabit and the worlds that dwells within every fiber of my being is a stunning display of being alive and being in control …

To come closer to life and then moving apart as I swing between the fast rhythm and the slow pace of my everyday life is my ability to stay in the race no matter how long the road might take, to enjoy the journey rather than the destination, to live for the sake of being alive rather than searching in vain by drifting apart and away from the core of being …

I sway with my sentimental curves on the tunes of nostalgia and the melodies of the unexpected in the same way I bend on the music of my sorrow and pain, playing on the different cords the harp of existence amuses me with its musical vibes, let the music change and let myself change with it and discover the tribes of women that reside within my deepest deep … Remember when you are in a good mood it has an infectious quality that you can rub on everyone you encounter …

No matter how crazy life can get, always be ready to play along else you will find yourself outside of the game, let the spirit of a winner always guide you, let your soul boom and enjoy the sound…

Lina H Hanna

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The power of words…

One word can either make you or break you, while actions speak a thousand words sometimes one single word can push the envelope and entice you to do what no action alone can make you achieve ; when we are feeling down and low a kind word can lift our spirits up and can set in motion a glorious act.

Life is all about the rise and fall, the never ending tides of life always throws us to rocks and we get hurt as a result or it might softly lands us to the shore and during all that processing we endure the encouragement of our loved ones can give us the stamina and the ability to endure the hard times and enjoy the good times.

When misfortunes strike us with an iron hand it is only the soft touch of the hand of those who love us that can melt the iron and set us free, sometimes we say horrible words that can damage the souls of those around us and can shatter their self image into bits and pieces that would be impossible to pick up again without getting our hands cut and thus they bleed..

When we fall into the dark whole of failure or despair the awful words we hear can dig that pit deeper and deeper instead of bridging it with soul feeding words that can charge our will power and give us the wings we need to soar high above that hole and fly to reach the skies…

Nothing grand has ever been achieved without the power of inspirational words and a dynamite speech can blow up all the obstacles we may find ourselves encountering …

Understand that your words have the supremacy to make miracles or destroy powers and empires, do not take what you utter lightly for what you say can be a seed that you can shower and water to blossom into a marvelous garden of miracles of great deeds and it can build up towers and castles that nothing or no one can ever reach to tear down …

Be gentle and beware for a word once uttered can never be taken back, make your words pain killers and not bullets that can pierce the heart of life and bring death upon your very alive being…

Always seek to understand and never to judge, always be tender and make your words kind for the warmth they bring can melt ice and they can be the very reason of a magnificent act that can moist the dry lands life takes us to , with kindness we can ease the cruelty of life ‘s incidents and they can make someone go from a zero to a hero in the same way that harsh words can assassin and harden the hero’s heart and throws him into the abyss of doubt and self sabotage …

Always leave traces of a superior being when you address others, never walk in someone’s life and leave behind ruins of what could have been a garden of success and victory, be a disciple of kindness never let yourself become a soldier of dreadful and awful lexis, it is what you can pass on to your loved ones never be the vampire that sucks energy, will power and life out of their existence…

You choose your words very carefully every time you open your mouth, either you will speak jewels or you will converse negativity and devastation, it is your call, you can either construct or destruct …

Lina H Hanna…

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A suspended ecstasy

A delayed pleasure , a fixed moment of euphoria , a delight put on hold, is what a belated joy feels like when the five senses undergo mania and passion… A new birth in the womb of death , an instant fatality that recreates our souls and reinvents our fervor.

Jubilation of an eternity lived in a blink of an eye when the heat of yearn and hunger melts our hearts of steel and evaporates our defensive mechanism to the flood and overflow of intense sensation that blow up our being and sweep us off our feet.

The body shivers and trembles of craving more and obtaining less, it is the sweet torture of having but not feeling saturated and drenched but rather more famished with every bite we take on from the food of our passionate devour banquet.

That state of interruption of desire in order to keep it from feeding up to its decease, we want that fire to remain burning by nourishing it non stop so it keeps igniting , we want to stop the volacano from erupting so that we can enjoy the built up lava bursting inside of us… the utter point of exhilaration where we maintain and keep that effervascent boiling rush of andrenaline ripping open our veins and increasing our insatiable appetite for staying on that edge line of pleasure and pain , of being unconscious of how high we are feeling, we want to preserve the middle point where there is no end, no climax , only highlighted concentrated forceful powerful excitement…

Not yet in heaven , closer to hell , enjoying the heat of a frozen instant , a captured elusive moment that we hold hostage to extort time so that we may manipulate it and tame its wild nature for our advantage; nothing can make us soar so high as pushing back what wants to come ahead in front of us, but how long can we tolarate standing on the border before we feel the urge to cross over ? how strong is our stamina to stand on the cliff without having the need to just jump and fall down?

We all wish that time can stop when we are flying on the wings of thrill and passion but we all have to endure the landing of the desire bird on the land of reality , all we can ever hope for is a safe landing, without bruises of having to stand on the terra firma after we freely roamed the satisfaction terrain but do not despair there is always another train to catch , be prepared for the agony and the ecstasy.

Lina Hanna Hanna

Monday, April 11, 2011

When demons dance inside my mind

Dark thoughts, black visions, tainted dreams are what eats me up as I cross the muddy rivers of my soul, every scar I bear bleeds open again, the tomb of my buried sorrows are unlocked again, it seems my dim memories are mummified when they should be decayed and decomposed; why won’t they just die and rot and cease to be? What keeps them well preserved while deceased? Is it me who won’t let them or am I forever doomed to have the marks of every demon that wounded my soul?

How I can escape my mind? How can I close the eye of my heart to the dreadful images that keeps on playing nonstop in the screen of my awareness? How can I shut down the screaming voices of every broken wish and every murdered desire as they shout at my core and echo inside my deserted being?

Oh the agony I feel once I am inside the blazes of my inferno, the heat burns the softness of my skin, the turbulence and anxiety I experience as I see the dance of my demons feeding from my despair and laughing at my tears, enjoying my cries and growing stronger with every dying laughter and every sorrowful joy I give up when I am in the darker side of myself.

These demons are nothing but my surrender and my fall; they are nothing but the death of hope inside of me, they are as strong as my weaknesses and they get frail as I grow powerful, they are my blindness to what is beyond the twilight and the sunset, they are my fears, my doubts, my insecurities and everything that threatens the safety of the life I want to lead.

They dance to the sad tunes of every loss I endured, they dance to the melodies of a heartache I suffer from, they dance to the sound of my weeping dreams that are fighting to be, and they dance and dance and dance hysterically until my mind becomes so weary and I seek salvation in all the narcotics and sedatives I am hooked on , sometimes I find refuge in mother nature, other times in music and arts, I escape inside my imagination where things are how I want them to be , where it is me who chooses and not feel the bruises as I hurt myself each time I try to slam down the many barriers that holds me a captive in my own war against myself…

The battle is fierce but I have to stand up for myself and fight for my peace of mind, I have to keep my flame from burning out , I have to sustain it , I never will lose my spark no matter how long I stay In the dark , I will build my own victory arc ; I will change the music of lamentation to a masterpiece my fingers play in the harp of a new dawn , of a new light and a new glow knowing that all the demons in the world cannot subdue my strengths and kill my fervor and love for life and happiness… and so when the music changes so does the dance…

Lina hanna Hanna

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Old versus the New

The old days, the old friends, the old way of life, the old sayings are all part of our new current days and although we all aspire for what is new, for what is fresh, the bug of the old times always bites our neck so we feel nostalgic to that distant memory, that far away occurrence that was once our joy and we look for it in the core of the up-to-the-minute that we live, we are always pulled by the strings that root us to our past …

We all want the stability, we work our entire lives to establish that familiar ground and that stable status, but yet we always find ourselves looking for what is novel and original to validate the old that we dwell within… and so we go back and forth to and towards the yet to become after visiting what used to be our playground…

We all hear the expression back in the days everything was different, it was all better than in these days where all the new technology and the easier way of life cannot replace or kill the spirit of the ancient, the soul of what is authentic and simple, where people who gathered around just to talk and make bonds with each other ; unfortunately with all the massive ways of communication nowadays people speak more and say less , they are connected through cold machines rather than hot links that unite them in a common ground where they can meet and exchange thoughts and dreams , the very new that was created to bring them together now it is setting them apart…

The very invention that is used to decrease distance is increasing the spaces between the closed persons ever… who do we blame? Do we charge the invention or the misuse of it? Aren’t we all responsible for making the gap that separates us from each other rather than bridging that crack?

All what is new is meant to make our life effortless but there is always an effort to make, an extra mile to go, if there is no difficulty how can we credit ourselves to making things better?

The new add a zest a flavor to the everyday platter of life but it never takes its place, it just stirs our leanings and teaches us more about the value of what is old, and it is always nice to renew our state of being but we can do that not by changing the scenes but by looking at the same old images and faces and places with new eyes, with singularity , with attention to details , how many times do we pass by the same setting without really discerning and distinguishing the uncommon aspect of what is common and seeing the ordinary in an extraordinary way?

Always have your arms open for what is new but never close your heart and throw away the old, use the new to wash out the dust of the years away and do everything you do whether old or now in good positive way…

Lina Hanna Hanna

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

نزاع وإنتزاع

ألم يعتصر قلبي، شجن يجتاح كياني ، غضب وسأم من وضدٌ الوجود، ثورة ورفض لحالة

الحضور الغائب ، روحي لا ترتاح ، يؤرٌقها عذاب الفراق فلا تستكين ولا

تهدأ ، ألعن جميع المهدٌئات والمسكٌنات فهي أعجز من أن تروٌض وتخضع توقي واشتياقي لمن عن دنياي قد غاب وتركني لمخالب الحاضر بغير حضوره ، تغرز أظافرها في لحمي وتدميني لأنزف أجمل اللحظات التي تحوٌلت إلى عذابات ومعاناة ...

آه كم اشتاق إليك ، تتمزٌق نفسي ، صوتي أصبح نواح ومنزل للوعة الإنفصال عن من به أنا دائمة الإتصال...جسدي أصبح جسد خاوٍ هو مقبرة لقلبٍ قد مات من شدٌة النٌزاع ...

يعذٌبني بعدك عني ويجعلني مهاجرة في وطني ، غريبة عن ذاتي، عدوٌة لأصدقائي ، فكل شخص أراه يذكٌرني بأني محرومة من لقياك فأبحث عنك في كل رجل أراه ولا أراه ... لقد ثملت من وجعي وحاجتي إليك ، إلى عينيك ، إلى يديك، جسدي أمسى معدن صدئ يشهد على فعل الزمان وعجز أي مكان أو إنسان أن يعيد لمعان ووميض إنعكاس نورك في مرايا وزاويا الذات ... ظلمة حالكة ، وعيون فارغة تشتاق أن تمتلئ وتقتات من مأدبة عشقك ومن خمرة لمساتك ومن سحر همساتك ...

آه كم اتمنٌى لو أكون بين ذراعيك للحظة واحدة فقط مجدداً ، كم أشتهي أن أضيع داخل عالمك، كم ارغب بضمٌك وشمٌك واستنشاق عطرك لأسكر ... أريد أن أنام ليأخذني جنٌ الغفو بعيداً عن جنوني وعن هواجسي ، أريد أن أتحرٌر منك ، أريد أن امحي كل ذكرى جمعتنا لتفصل بيننا وتلطٌخ يدينا بدماء البعد والشعوذة ...

أكرهك وألعن ادماني عليك ، أريد أن اغسل ذاكرتي في مجرى نهر النسيان ولكنك أصبحت عقلي ومعتقلي ، انٌي أعاني منالإرهاق لكثرة رغبتي بك ، لقد إستنزفني الشوق وأضناني الإنتظار على مرفأ الأيام ، دائماً عيناي صوب الأفق البعيد علٌى سفينتي تصل وعلى متنها أنت وقوافلك فتأتيني بشياطين المسافات التي سكنتني منذ أن غاب من أغلق الباب وأغفل نافذة الذاكرة ليزيد العذاب ...

أعيش من أجل ذاك اليوم الذي تأخذني بين ذراعيك ، أعيش من أجل اللحظة التي تلتقي الشفتين لتروي يبس الحرمان فتكون قبلاتها ينبوع ومصدر الحياة حيث غزت جنود الممات ...

فهل سأشعر بحرارة شغفك مرةً أخرى أم محكوم عليٌ بالمنفى بعيداً عن بساتين حبك داخل كهفي حيث لا شيء سوى أنا والذكريات بما كان يوماً وقد فات وترك الذات تلتطم وتتخبٌط بأوجاعها وترقص على إيقاع أنينها الداخليٌ رقصة الموت في رحم الحياة؟

لينا حنا حنا

هل حقٌاً كنا؟

مررت بسمائي كمذنٌب متوهٌج بشعلةٍ من نار ونور جعلتني أحترق وأدور ، أهدأ

وأثور... استعرض شريط ذكريات جمعتنا وكوتنا في أتون الشغف المجنون في براري الهيام والإلتحام إلى حد الإلتهام، أشعر بلمساتك تجتاح جلدي فتنزف ذاكرتي بدماء رغبات قتلت على يديك بعد أن ولدت بين ذراعيك فتسأل نفسي نفسها كيف تستحيل إلى سفٌاح بعد أن كنت أنت الملاك ؟ لم أكن أعرف أن قبلاتك هلاك وادماني عليك فتٌاك...

لم أعلم عندها كم كانت قصيرة لحظات الحياة مع أني شعرت بأبدية من الثٌمالة وترنٌح ودوار الذات وتحرٌرها من قيود ربطتها حول عنقها واقعية خالية من أسمى الملذٌات ...

أعميت بصري وبصيرتي معاً ، فلم اكن أرى أو أبصر سواك ، كنت أتنفٌسك واتنشٌق أريج عطرك الجهنٌمي الممزوج برائحة عرقك ورحيقك وأهيم مخدٌرة الحواس ، كنت في حالة انخطاف وإنبعاث من موت قد تركني جثٌة حيٌة موجودة في صقيع قبور المشاعر

والأحاسيس... كنت تأخذني بعيداً عن ذاتي وتعيد الدفء والحرارة إلى جسدي فيتحوٌل إلى مهرجان من المفرقعات والأحلام ....

كنت وكنت ولكنك لم تعد ما كنته ، بل اختفيت في ضباب الأيام وتركت عقارب الساعات تلسعك وتسمٌم قلبك بحمٌى الغيرة وحب

الإمتلاك ...

افكر بك ، أسمع همساتك المجنونة ، ما زلت أسمع دقٌات قلبك التي لطالما رقصنا على ايقاعها أجمل الرقصات وتمايلت أجسادنا على هلوسات وهذيان كلمات لم تقال غير أنها قيلت من دون كلام ... ولكني الأن أنصت إلى صدى صوتٍ ناءٍ بعيد وأسأل نفسي هل حقاً كنا سوياً ؟ ألم يمحي الزمن ما قد دوٌنه بقلمه يوماً؟ هل كان يعلم مسبقاً أنه يكتب ما سيمحي لاحقاً؟

هل كنت حقاً حبيب أيها الغريب؟ هل حقاً جمعتنا الأيام أم أنك كنت سراباً وهماً في فكري؟ كيف تموت وأنت لا تزال حيٌاً ترزق في الوجود الغير موجودةٌ أنا فيه؟ كيف نتنفٌس من هواء واحد ،كيف تشرق علينا شمس واحدة دون أن نشعر بأشعتها معاً؟ كيف تكمل الطريق دون أن نلتقي على جادٌة الأحلام المتكسٌرة ؟ كيف تمضي قدماً دون أن نكون قدماً واحدة ؟

كيف يمكن أن تصطدم عيناك بعيني وتهرب العيون من عيون كانت تهرب اليها؟ آه ما أغرب القلوب البشريٌة فهي لا تبشٌر ولا تنذر دائماً بل تشعر بالخطر وتخدع البشر ....

لينا حنا حنا

Saturday, March 26, 2011

To Be a Man

What is it to be a Man? Macho does not prove mucho , a man is not his muscles nor his physical strengths, a man is as big as his brain muscles and his heart muscles, a man is a cause he believes and fights for, a man is an attitude , a man is the one who does not mind to merge the feminine side in him with the masculine side , he is the one who is in the arena , who does not protest to have his face in the mud and in the gutter in order to have his own paradise .

A man is not what is possesses but rather what he is made of , he is as rich when deprived from all his belongings, he makes a statement just by being himself, he rejoices in his intellectual wealth and finds pleasure in his emotional capacity to portray and expresses his feelings free from all restraints of traditions.

A man pushes his woman to the heights of her potentials and be the cause of her success, a man is not threaten by the achievements of a woman nor feel belittled by her success, but rather enjoys the flight with her and doubles her joy by his company and his sense of appreciation.

A man speaks his mind out loud he says it how he sees it now how others expect him to draw it, he is the heart of a lion, the ruse of a fox and the eye of an eagle who discerns and sees even the smallest creatures, he is the hunter but not for preys so he can feel his power, but he is the seeker of opportunities and the catcher of dreams to turn them into realities.

A man is his word, because that word is his own signature and without a signature what are we? We are nothing , only annihilated beings; a man is powerful not lover of power, a man is magician who turns bitter into sweet, who rises up to the challenges of life and knowing how to take the turns that life imposes on him somewhere along the road to his enchanted castle.

A man is not afraid of rejection, a man does not manipulate woman and feeds from their weaknesses, and a man is a protector of human rights and a defender of equality in rights and obligations in genders, a man gives value and do not go after the price tag, a man knows how to treat a woman and make her feel more feminine, a man provides not only material presents but also has a generous presence.

He is capable of giving fragments of himself, not only from what he owns, but never holds back on who he is, a man is his beliefs, his battles, his statements, his actions not his gender, there is a huge gap between the name and the essence ,Names does not give the entities their qualities and their substance:) Whether a male or a female . Minds do not have genders, what is good is good; there is no feminine good or masculine bad …

A man demonstrate his manhood when he combines his words with actions, when his deeds are a proof of the man he is, when he transcends himself into a higher rank of mere human being that is satisfy to exist but who is keen and eager to live and make a change, who does not take life lightly but rather give significance to his existence by always outdoing himself and be a safe place to cry and a joyful space to laugh…

A man is not an opportunist who waits and lurks in the darkness waiting for a moment of weakness a woman falls into so he can slice her world with the knife of his deceit and charades he plays only to get what he wants rather than wanting what he afraid to have…

A man is gentleman who bartends the needs of his woman and notices what changes in her and take her hand through thick and thin, a man gives his woman her space, and defends her freedom to be who she wants to be even if that does not like it…

A man does not escape danger , he laughs in the face of peril, he is not afraid to jeopardize his whole being and gamble his world for a better world that he could gain, a man knows his merit and his self esteem in spite of what he does not hold rather than because of what he owns.

A man is that hand that does not try to grab and hold hostage but rather that open hand that welcomes the bird of paradise whenever he lands, a man is that hand that does not close its grip because he knows how sacred is the wings for a bird who lives in the sky …

A man does not hide his failures for he knows they are his later conquest, that experience is the mother of wisdom , that the same ground he falls on is the ground he leans on to stand up again…he is the corner stone not the stepping stone on the journey of life…

A man is a positive force and not a destructive force that needs weapons and wars to prove him, he is his own rod and his own gun, his power is from within and not from the outer world … a man knows himself and masters his own needs and desires, he is the will power that can turn coal to gold, he is not deprived of his determination and force but he is that very force that keeps the balance in his existence…

A man speaks less and does more, a man explores and enjoys the change when it occurs , a man always find a way to make it happen, a man speaks of the solution rather than the problems and the excuses, a man does not stop for anything or anyone that goes against his grail ..

A man is his convictions and he never negotiate over his duties and his privileges, he takes but he also gives in return …

A man does not demand love but knows how to take it, a man compels you to respect him even if you do like him …

A man holds the bull by its horns and submits it to tame it, a man will go all the way to obtain his heart’s desires, a man is the woman he appreciates and the ego he poises for his psychological equilibrium.

A man is his voice and his voice turns into a scream, we cannot but listen and admire, a man speaks in his silence and he is more eloquent with few sincere words than a hundred cunning words…

Lina Hanna Hanna