Lina H Hanna

Lina H Hanna

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Old versus the New

The old days, the old friends, the old way of life, the old sayings are all part of our new current days and although we all aspire for what is new, for what is fresh, the bug of the old times always bites our neck so we feel nostalgic to that distant memory, that far away occurrence that was once our joy and we look for it in the core of the up-to-the-minute that we live, we are always pulled by the strings that root us to our past …

We all want the stability, we work our entire lives to establish that familiar ground and that stable status, but yet we always find ourselves looking for what is novel and original to validate the old that we dwell within… and so we go back and forth to and towards the yet to become after visiting what used to be our playground…

We all hear the expression back in the days everything was different, it was all better than in these days where all the new technology and the easier way of life cannot replace or kill the spirit of the ancient, the soul of what is authentic and simple, where people who gathered around just to talk and make bonds with each other ; unfortunately with all the massive ways of communication nowadays people speak more and say less , they are connected through cold machines rather than hot links that unite them in a common ground where they can meet and exchange thoughts and dreams , the very new that was created to bring them together now it is setting them apart…

The very invention that is used to decrease distance is increasing the spaces between the closed persons ever… who do we blame? Do we charge the invention or the misuse of it? Aren’t we all responsible for making the gap that separates us from each other rather than bridging that crack?

All what is new is meant to make our life effortless but there is always an effort to make, an extra mile to go, if there is no difficulty how can we credit ourselves to making things better?

The new add a zest a flavor to the everyday platter of life but it never takes its place, it just stirs our leanings and teaches us more about the value of what is old, and it is always nice to renew our state of being but we can do that not by changing the scenes but by looking at the same old images and faces and places with new eyes, with singularity , with attention to details , how many times do we pass by the same setting without really discerning and distinguishing the uncommon aspect of what is common and seeing the ordinary in an extraordinary way?

Always have your arms open for what is new but never close your heart and throw away the old, use the new to wash out the dust of the years away and do everything you do whether old or now in good positive way…

Lina Hanna Hanna

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