Lina H Hanna

Lina H Hanna

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

No and Yes!

The sweet music of agreement is often stopped by the annoying noise of rejection, but the two notes are required to create the symphony of life!

A simple” yes” is an angelic tune, a” no” is never simple nor heavenly, it is the demonic distortion of a potentially nice melody.

But is our yes constantly a yes and our” no “always a no? don’t we all fall into the trap of saying yes when we mean to say no , don’t we all feel obliged to say no when our hearts are screaming with the yes?

The perfect harmony is to consent and synchronize both our inner and outer voices with one united yes and even a no! Except that life squeezes us into being diplomatic or realistic and makes us resign to the status-Quo!

It takes a real courageous soul to say what it means and to mean what it says! Sometimes our yes can break us to shreds and other times our no can be the tomb of our most powerful desires and dreams!

The maybe stand in between , it is both approval and objection, it is the state of a truce , a middle ground that is neither a yes nor a no, it is that state of confusion , of contradiction, of yes I want and no I do not want at the same time, it is the lost land and the rabbit’s hole the puzzlement , the uncertainty , the hesitation that attacks us when we are about to make critical life changing decisions; in the end there is nothing on earth that is fully and completely a yes nor a no , for the raw material does not exist in a finished materialized world where everything is both genders in the same outline!

The trick is to hear with the ears of our hearts what the tongue of the mind is trying to tell or hide from us, we have to chose a focal point and stick to it , the risk will always be present but isn’t being alive itself a greater risk that we all undertake?

Why be afraid of defeat when in every game there is a winner and a loser, why tame our horses when they were meant to run free in the wild! Why silence the yes and suffocate it when our eyes express it? Why say no and deprive ourselves from our god given rights? Why lie to ourselves in order to live a pseudo truth that will gratify us the social benediction?

Do not be terrified by the probability, to go against all odds will win you a state of flying far off to where you are better off! Embrace your swinging back and forth to your yes or to your no for when the time will be right you will bounce back to where your hidden strings are pulling you!

Lina Hanna Hanna.

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