Lina H Hanna

Lina H Hanna

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Love: A blade or a feather?

Love… Who amongst us did not feel the cupid’s arrow piercing his heart? Whoever has opened his heart to the winds of passion took the risk of unlocking its security device for either a blade that will cut our emotions or for the feather that will delight and tickle our deepest dormant passion, there are no guarantees when that door is opened...

All of us, We are victims of cupid’s hazard when we fall in love; whether happily or sadly in love, we always blame a third party when we feel injured and hurt so we start the blame and the shame war in order to hide away from facing ourselves and admitting to the fact that it is not cupid’s fault but rather our very own mistake! We are the prey and the assassin of our own love… we are each other’s predator, when we give away our protection by letting someone inside the corridors of our most intimate inner rooms, and that person steals from our buried fortunes that we had the intention of giving him its wealth willingly but we walk in on him trying to rob us our most valuable jewels and riches;

oh the pain of that feeling is just grand , it is almost unbearable to put up with, so our first reaction would be denial , we refuse to see what we look at by force of declining to the current reality, so we start to turn in circles around them , when try to justify and excuse their burglary by telling ourselves lies that we know deep down inside are just fabrication of our own weakness and fear of losing them … But did we ever stop to ask :” didn’t we already lose them when we caught them red handed”? Will our disagreement and disapproval of the fact a change of that truth?

The answer is no, no matter how bad we want to alter the pain and the trauma we feel into a pseudo sting, the pain is still there, we can feel it closing its hands on our necks, we feel that aching in our chest and we wish if we had a way to pull our heart outside so it can rest from his ordeal and end his agony.

So we start to ask ourselves why? Why did the person we loved hurt us this way? How could he have been so blind to the light we burst on him? How could the voice who always release waves of softness and tranquility to our channels would transform to become harshness? How could the warmth of his hands turn into frost and cold? How come the closest person in the world for us could turn into the most distant person on earth for us? How can the intimacy we once shared turn into an alien emotion where we would feel outsiders and strangers inside their emotional lands? How can our paradise spin around into a living hell? How can the one person who gave us happiness inflict such sorrow in us?

Millions of questions that lead to one answer only, that person were not the right person for us, for in the journey of our emotional safari we will meet every kind of people , each is a guest that we should welcome for his brings along a certain trait in us, each guest will help us grow spiritual as well as affectionate muscles in order to make us stronger for the right person who we will sure meet somewhere along the road to our own happy ending and we should always remember that the heart is the only instrument that can still play even when broken , it may actually produce more sounds and more angelic tunes when broken … we should never despair and let a failure of a relationship take away what is beautiful and honest about us, for if we the victims become hunters how can we blame the hunter’s strategy any longer?

No one deserves to take the very best in you while they leave you, rise above your ego and your flaw and you will reach the seventh sky of love and life! Bear the blade cut so you can feel the healing soft power of a feather…. Remember only you can mend your broken heart …

Lina Hanna Hanna.

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