Lina H Hanna

Lina H Hanna

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The breathing of Patience and the art of Distraction

“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience “says Ralph Waldo Emerson, but how many of us are really patient? In a society where everything is about being fast and ready to be served how can we take on the rate of the natural world? How can we have endurance when we are born into a world where everything is about speed , where no one really take the time to show patience , when everyone regards patience as a form of weakness when there is nothing else to be done.

Every human being who is over eager and impatient in the pursuit of enjoyment will be deprived of that pleasure by pushing his desire off its limit in an attempt to bring closer but little does he know he is setting it in motion further ahead where he has to wait a bit more…Patience requires faith in the process of time and space unfolding when the right moment comes, like in mother nature , the fruits when mature enough fall off the tree naturally without the hasty hands who want to grab it prematurely by force, to gain time while killing it with its own hands!

Everything in nature lingers still, not in vain or in despair but in hope and in certainty of the rewards promised when the waiting is done.

As for us humans, waiting teaches us a great deal of wisdom and maturity , it tames our extravagance and our short tempered characters, because while we wait , we take the time to observe and discern every little matter that we usually disregard when we are in speeding up for the result as soon as we can.

Waiting has a magic of revealing the veils of a rush hectic world and what can be enclosed behind those curtains; waiting discloses the concealed wealth in us, but waiting is not passing time, for some of us run away from the idea by being artists of distraction, they cannot endure the same rhythm and the tranquility the waiting game imposes on them, so they start creating ways and methods to mask their fears with diversion and entertainment whether it may be going for a trip in the time of waiting, or mingling and being social butterflies , anything in order not to sit with ourselves and face the clock ticking while we wait so we feel the hours dragging on and on and on , so we feel we are about to lose our sanity so we fill up this time with commotion until the time of waiting has ended.

When time is not fast enough, we want to resist and never to persist, we do so by filling it with every form of activity will push the wheel of instance forth and thus making us almost unconscious of the hours passing so we can feel better because we did not given in to those moments of patience.

It is not wrong to adopt this policy but it is not rewarding or juicy on the scale of self maturity and self control! Distraction makes us wander from one land to another avoiding setting foots in our own land where we are mostly needed even if we hated to step in…it takes us away from the loud sound of a clock ticking but it also takes us away from discovering boundless riches within us…

Even wounds need time to heal, privileged is the one who has patience to smile and learn while the cut is restoring back to its healthy status, and poor is the one who curses and rages the process that will liberate his soul from pain for he will suffer twice the injury and double the time!

Lina Hanna Hanna.

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