Lina H Hanna

Lina H Hanna

Monday, August 2, 2010

Rotten Hearts…

A lot of humans but no more humanity! What have we become? What are our boundaries? When do we draw our Red lines? Do we even still have a red line? A sacred somewhere where no one can trespass, where we say No? Or is it all a trend now? What does it take for us to wake up?

Lina Hanna Hanna.

Look around and observe, observe how we treat each other, what motivates our actions, what entices our deeds? Is it good or evil intentions?

It is said that the road to hell is filled with people who had good intentions but they ended up with the wrong doing!

To know and to act upon that knowledge are two different matters… What good are my intentions if i fail to translate it and transmit it into action? ]

Lucky is he who collides both his wisdom and a life that reflects it. But Damned is who has a rotten heart, where no doors are open, only windows closed to stop the air flow , the breeze that freshens his heart up… what is that breeze to our hearts/? Its compassion, its being open to others, and building a bridge not a wall between two hearts, its taking and receiving from one heart to another.

i pity him he who keeps the ray of sunshine from entering his spirit, he is too self centered to even take notice of what lies beyond his world and his existence, his presence is heavy, his scent is polluted with his own decayed and decomposed corpses, corpses of his greed, of his anger, of his hatred. He becomes infected from within, but thinks he is healthier from others.

Poisoner of life he is, with all the venom he holds in, all his toxicities being radiates though his eyes and his inflamed feelings and emotions, incapable of loving and giving he is, a blood sucker, who drains the very life , the very pulse of others, just so he can go on spreading his contaminated mind and heart. a sick person who fails to acknowledge his decays and believes himself to be sane…

I mourn him a dead among the living, a sick among the healthy… may the gates to his putrid heart be opened to let the light in, to replace rot with clean unpolluted air, to flash out all venemous residues from his heart so he may become the person he was pre destined to be…

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