Lina H Hanna

Lina H Hanna

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Venom and the antidote

There are people who have the gift of an open soul, they have the ability to make you a better person by bringing out the best in you but unfortunately there are people who spit their wicked poison and try to pour it in your heart and thus taking away from you the very core of your essence and kill any good inside your heart.

Lina Hanna Hanna.

Good and Evil - Two Sides of the Coin by Andrew Mark

These group of persons do not add a thing to the human being you are in fact they are a waste of space , living on the margins of life, abusing and using up the energy and the chance of life God invested in them when they were born, they are assassins of time and murderers of eternity.

They doom everything they touch, they bring nothing but cold fake emotions, they endorse their selves according to their malicious intentions, and they change their heart in synchronization with their profit. They see you as a possibility not as a value … if you serve their desires you get to see their false replica of decency and kindness… but hell will be unleashed when you no longer serve their purposes, you will be bitten by their fatal toxic teeth… a bite that is infected by all the viruses and bacteria’s of self praise and self absorbed nature, they think the sun rises and shines upon them only and that they only are worthy of the warmth of its ray light…

They are those who have the gospel of” the means justify the end” they never lack assets or resources to inhale any kind spirit and pollute and contaminate it with their spirits tainted with dirt and deteriorated principles and ethics…

They are the Venom in the soil of society, burglars of sympathy, muggers of thoughtfulness, thieves of light and residents of shadows… they switch of the light of hope in humanity and in any act of compassion in the hearts of those who compassion as a solid condition to their substance.

Let the earth rejoice in having these heavenly angelic beings and let them float and not walk our grounds for their footsteps are sacred to that ground making it sanctified of the traces left behind by the spiteful venomous footsteps marked by the soldiers of immorality who are nothing but half beings, incomplete creatures that make their author itself question his invention.

Beware of the wrecker of dreams, the slayer of righteousness, the destructive force of virtues and integrity … but behold and cling to those who are the salvation of our human kind, for they are keepers of our morality ‘s wealth , they are the capital of beauty and honesty, they are the draftsmen in the tissues of our bonds and conne

Insert a daily dose of kindness in your everyday life, and be the designer of something pure and noble for then and only then you can contribute to an eternity both on earth and in heaven…

are rich with them…making the world a bitter, cruel and ruthless place to inhabit… on the other hand and like the famous proverb says all the Darkness in the world cannot put out the light of one candle , all the rotten hearts in the world can never foul the glowing light of one single pure and open heart…

Humankind relies on these persons; they are the antidote, the remedy to that fatal menace to our existence as human beings who have mercy and

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