Lina H Hanna

Lina H Hanna

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Laces to our favorite places

Life is a journey we all have to embark on, whether we are passionate travelers and wanderers who enjoy the trip rather than the destination enjoying the twists and turns on the road we are taking; or whether we are always on the safe side and we are driven by a certain specific objective that we crawl, walk or fly to achieve it and mark our so sought after land and enjoy our series of victories and realizations.

All along the road, we occupy places that either we visit for a short period of time or either we live in it, making it our haven away from the noise and the rush of the everyday busy hectic life we lead.

Some of these places catch both our eyes and hearts, there are places we see that carve our souls and minds, we step in and magic unfolds, it is like every corner of that place calls, shouts and screams to our deep needs chasing away every fear we have, and procuring us with a sense of security that sometimes we lack between the walls of our very own homes.

What makes us so clingy to one place and so detached to another? What are these hidden bonds that tie us to a specific geographic area rather than another? Why do we sometimes fail to make that bond and connect with a space we inhabit, hence always feeling like we are strangers to that place, like it does not call or mean anything to us, we see it but we do not feel it, we see its design and we fail to look at its beauty and indentify with it.

It can be that our souls err and roam the spaces looking for a birthplace, or a final home that it can feel a sense of belonging to it, or maybe an open space just tingles and tackles our primitive nature that longs to escape the prisons and walls of civilization and buildings.

I was never fond of a setting in a time and space that limits my existence and my body to a certain lengths and width, I have always been a passionate of outdoors, the vastness of the sky, the never ending depth of the horizon, the wall free frames, the feel of the fresh breeze, all these no palace no architectural wonder can ever replace or even match.

Anyway place that can make us feel it is our home when we are away from home is worthy of every minute we invest and feed our attachment to its spaces; we can carry our favorite places within us, they can be our natural fibers that are all connected in one big system. When we stay at a place and we build that connection, we can relive it a thousand times even after we have to leave it physically.

And sometimes it is the presence of a loved one that we adore, his very presence adds and gives to that place its magic like appeal and it adds to the fragrance we smell in the air when we share the same spot with our loved ones. We begin to look at any ordinary place in an extraordinary way, we will be looking with the eyes of love, that expands to all the places our loved ones even touch or step foot in.

So let us all look with the eyes of a baby, the eyes of astonishment, the new eyes that look at the same place millions time but each time sees its distinctions and its details.

A place is more than just a good architecture and a great trendy design, a good place is a place that overtakes you with its warmth and good vibes, a good place is a place that makes your heart jump of joy and makes your soul smile that smile of “Ah, this place makes me feel safe and more alive”. So if you still did not find your favorite place search further more and if you already have one then cherish every moment you spend there and enjoy the oasis you found and may it never be lost again.

Lina Hanna Hanna.

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