Lina H Hanna

Lina H Hanna

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


“ He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery “ said Harold Wilson.

Change … what a great instructor ! once it occurs we are never the same.. whether it is a choice or a chance that serves us that plate of transformation, we are never the same once we taste it… bitter or sweet the flavor is never put to sleep… we are suddenly awaken , a smack in the face and we are forever tainted..

Lina Hanna Hanna.


Growth is one of the consequences of variation and the most imperative one too… time is fluid while we are solid and that implies how painful it is to change. Every adjustment, even the most yearned for, has its sadness, for we always leave a part of our beings with what we have left behind.. we always have to close one door before we open another.

The becoming is the nucleus of life, to discard the old in order to make way for the new, is to rejuvenate ourselves and refresh our souls… it is necesseray to be but it is never enough unless we become, we evolve into a better version of ourselves with every passing moment… to coach ourself, to train our brain, to learn from all our experiences , to reach our potentials with every possibility we encounter , is to really become the persons we ought to be. The miracle of change spreads its magical dust upon us with every incident that happens to us or for us…

It is not what happens to us , it is what we decide to do with what happens to us that determines the orbit of our existence… to live is to constantly change, time will never stop or wait for anyone, time never passes but we do… the places never change but rather we do… and as Oscar Wilde once said:” I don’t recognize you I have changed a lot” … we faill to communicate when we fail to observe what changes inside the people we love… it takes a real eagle eye to see the change when it happens with our beloved ones, to distinguish that change and to know how to correspond with it.. this is the real challenge and the compelling delight of successful relationships.

We all heard the famous line “If u don’t like something change it or change your attitude towards it ” since it is all a state of mind, we can manipulate our brainpower into thinking what we are not originally thinking about and thus we can trick ourselves and alter our reactions or attitudes towards a certain event we wish it never took place and that can work for some of us who have a strong will or have the spirit of a warrior or a spirit of revolution… but sometimes Survival is obligatory and never optional when we are short on alternatives , we adapt to a reality we wish it was an illusion, we are forced into accepting the status quo rather than daring or confronting it, we resign , we quit the battlefiled and raise our white flag, we surrender because we lack the strenghts or the resources that can affect and alter our situation and that endurance is by instinct , we all have it and we all use it when life takes its toll on us…

We are dynamic creatures, we vibe with the flood of blood bursting in our veins, we should never let fear handicap us or keep us from squeezing on the hand of change and shaking it a welcoming hand shake.

So let us look change in the eye and gaze at it and allow it to work its enchantment on us and when each one of us changes into the person he is pre destined to be the whole world will change into what it is supposed to be, a better and more interesting world that can ever be! Let us all be informed and transformed…

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