Lina H Hanna

Lina H Hanna

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Trial and error is the most common method for us humans, to learn what to avoid and what to approve of. We are often advised to learn from others mistakes, and that is wise to do but we have the right to our own mistakes, to experience by action and not through guidance… we have the right to choose our battles and our values and to put them to the test as well, for any conviction that we do not put under the review, cannot be validated or trusted, values should be lived and not just taught or passed on.

Lina Hanna Hanna.

The Mistake by kc--leigh

Find your own illumination, walk around your territory, examine your beliefs and your certainties, so you can adhere to them because you lived them, it is a knowledge that you gained with your own enquiries and questioning… your slip along the road will give u the insight to avoid this fall in the future and you can say proudly I have been there but I stood up again and I made it right again.

To go wrong is human, error is a condition to our maturity, we can never say we lived a full life unless we consign all the gaffes that should be done in order for us to flourish and expand, we should never be afraid to make these mistakes for by making them we become experts, we become more in fine tuning with our inner channels as well as the outside channels as well.

Let us not forget that everyone makes mistakes and that no one is super human or perfect not to make them, let us have mercy on others should they blunder, not just rush to judge and ban them from our life, let us put ourselves in their shoes and remember that everyone deserves a second chance, a mistake remains a mistake until it is corrected, there is always a way to correct a mistake.

Let us be easy on ourselves as well when we do a fault, because as long as we will be living we will be making more of these… it is the law of life and evolution.

Study and understand your human nature, and know that there is no bad experience since you learn from it all, you take what you learnt and you move with this baggage to a next level where you will be more enlightened, everything will be clear in your mind and nothing will remain blurry once you get to the bottom of it.

Sometimes we when loose the track and we astray wandering off to somewhere else we did not intend to go to, we might find a place, a place that we never thought it existed, and we can meet persons we would have never met if we took the right turn, we can know more about ourselves we can get introduced to a new version of our personality.

Love your mistakes, make friends with them, appreciate them, and build your castle of wisdom with them, the more you make of them, the bigger the mansion will get, and by doing so you will have your third eye, that eye that sees without sight, that eyes that distinguish every matter under the sun, that eye that sees what the two other eyes fail or are blind to see, the eye of your mind that can discern a reality from an illusion, a truth from a lie, the eye that will guide you through your dark times, it will be your flashlight where lights do not penetrate, it will be your northern star that will lead your path to your own salvation.

Do not make a mummy out of your mistakes and just dwell on the grave crying your remorseful tears, forgive yourself and let your errors decompose and die to become a new insight you obtain. Do not punish yourself but rather listen to what your mistakes are telling you and write your triumph with what it says…

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