Lina H Hanna

Lina H Hanna

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Tale of a dramatic existence

The process of life shifts us from one emotion to another, we move back and forth between laughter and tears, we swing from tragedy to comedy; one day for us and another against us, but through it all the hourglass of time is on roll.

One day the winds are in our favor the other day it blows against our desire, we are forever sailing towards the horizon of our verve; what are we really seeking? What are we looking for? Is it the anticipation of what sets behind our perspective? Or is it the thrill of departure? Do we love to journey but hate to get there? Why do crave the perpetual in an elusive existence? Are we longing for immortality in a mortal world? Do you have that yearning because it takes us back to our pre-reality? Is it that moment in time before we ever existed that leads and controls our inclination to the mother moment of all moments we experience?

What is real and what is not? Is life what really happens behind the curtains or is it the play and the performance on stage? Do we choose our parts or they are chosen for us? What do we all want? What do we all transmit to ourselves, to others and to the universe?

We often think of these questions and suggest that the answer should be “either, or” when in fact life could be” neither, nor” in many cases; we want to submit circumstances to our preferences and likes, we want the summer to prevail, the sun to be hooked and stuck in the sky , we curse the darkness and the night, we want the good weather at all seasons , we do not fancy rain or storms, we judge them dreadful and horrible for us when in fact winter makes summer a lot more delightful, the darkness makes us enjoy the light at its best.

The tragedy of life would be a real devastation if the echoes of laughter cannot be heard from the backstage; if we wear only our smiley faces, we would lack expression and dynamism in our facial appearances, it is the frown that carves and shapes our faces so that we look amazing when we smile.

All the highs and lows on the route of our individual crossing, initiates and marks our inner maps that no one roams expect for us.

The change whether spontaneous or designed is core of life; it is a sign of vitality for complete rest is death!

Sometimes you have to adapt with the alteration that occurs with you, sometimes you have to grow wings and fly over your pain and misfortunes, and sometimes you have to learn to swim in the flood of disaster that might strike you, so you can float till you reach the shore.

Do not be afraid of obscurity and remember that every form of life is produced in the womb of darkness; it stays underneath and inside do it can blossom and flourish into the world of light, it dies so it may live.

Why are you afraid of that moment of change? Do you think continuity is safety? When we are transformed we can stretch out and reach the highest peak of any mountain, and we can endure to walk the brutal valleys in a marvelous way!

Do not just stay glued to your grounds, pace out and move out so you can stir it up and enjoy the many facets of your existence and meet the tribes that inhabits you, learn their ways and speak their languages so you can either wrestle them or welcome them and dance to their drumming!

Lina Hanna Hanna

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