Lina H Hanna

Lina H Hanna

Monday, February 7, 2011

Whoever wants to leave is already gone

Many people walk into our lives as the journey of life sways us from one path to another either by choice or by chance or even when we least want it or expect it, some of these persons just invade our hearts and are crowned kings on our emotional empire , some of them need time and attention to get us interested while there are some that never do no matter how hard they try , no matter how many seas they travel to reach our inner islands , they just are not contained within the hub of our significance.

All those who build bridges to our far away land earn their staying on its surface, but those who fail to sustain the sturdy ropes that can help them climb to our highest high peak lose their merit and the privilege of being a part of who we are or an element in our very nature, they just fade to black as if they never existed.

But the most awful kind of beings are those scavengers who lurk in the dark and observe waiting for a chance to attack the core of our feelings and feed from the bleeding we suffer due to their claws scratching and tearing the flesh of our hearts to bits and pieces and find a great pleasure while doing that…

Those hunters who are alive from eating decayed sensation and decomposed senses, are the real threat to our expressive well being, they are always in disguise wearing a great camouflage of people who care about you and want to be in your life until they find the perfect moment to jump on your heart and tear it out of your chest with a smile on their face, they inhale your soul out of your mouth and they stab you with their sharp words and crushing actions that cut you to parts each time they move.

They are the venom of existence and you are better off without them, so when they want to leave you do not make the mistake of trying to stop them, learn to love yourself more than any other self that tries to sabotage your safety and your self esteem, you do not need someone who wants to breath the air out of your lungs and steals away your freedom and value.

Just cut the cords and let them fly away from you and be thankful they decided to walk out on you for when they do all the magic in the world who enter , a new sun, a new moon, a new world of its own will appear more glowing than ever and more enticing to a life filled with people who matter and how know how to take pleasure in being in your life and who add a new dimension to your living experience and who always make you happy and vibrant with hope and love.

When they want to leave it means they already left so stand up and watch them fly away and wave goodbye to regret and hello to joy!

Lina Hanna Hanna.

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