Lina H Hanna

Lina H Hanna

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

نزاع وإنتزاع

ألم يعتصر قلبي، شجن يجتاح كياني ، غضب وسأم من وضدٌ الوجود، ثورة ورفض لحالة

الحضور الغائب ، روحي لا ترتاح ، يؤرٌقها عذاب الفراق فلا تستكين ولا

تهدأ ، ألعن جميع المهدٌئات والمسكٌنات فهي أعجز من أن تروٌض وتخضع توقي واشتياقي لمن عن دنياي قد غاب وتركني لمخالب الحاضر بغير حضوره ، تغرز أظافرها في لحمي وتدميني لأنزف أجمل اللحظات التي تحوٌلت إلى عذابات ومعاناة ...

آه كم اشتاق إليك ، تتمزٌق نفسي ، صوتي أصبح نواح ومنزل للوعة الإنفصال عن من به أنا دائمة الإتصال...جسدي أصبح جسد خاوٍ هو مقبرة لقلبٍ قد مات من شدٌة النٌزاع ...

يعذٌبني بعدك عني ويجعلني مهاجرة في وطني ، غريبة عن ذاتي، عدوٌة لأصدقائي ، فكل شخص أراه يذكٌرني بأني محرومة من لقياك فأبحث عنك في كل رجل أراه ولا أراه ... لقد ثملت من وجعي وحاجتي إليك ، إلى عينيك ، إلى يديك، جسدي أمسى معدن صدئ يشهد على فعل الزمان وعجز أي مكان أو إنسان أن يعيد لمعان ووميض إنعكاس نورك في مرايا وزاويا الذات ... ظلمة حالكة ، وعيون فارغة تشتاق أن تمتلئ وتقتات من مأدبة عشقك ومن خمرة لمساتك ومن سحر همساتك ...

آه كم اتمنٌى لو أكون بين ذراعيك للحظة واحدة فقط مجدداً ، كم أشتهي أن أضيع داخل عالمك، كم ارغب بضمٌك وشمٌك واستنشاق عطرك لأسكر ... أريد أن أنام ليأخذني جنٌ الغفو بعيداً عن جنوني وعن هواجسي ، أريد أن أتحرٌر منك ، أريد أن امحي كل ذكرى جمعتنا لتفصل بيننا وتلطٌخ يدينا بدماء البعد والشعوذة ...

أكرهك وألعن ادماني عليك ، أريد أن اغسل ذاكرتي في مجرى نهر النسيان ولكنك أصبحت عقلي ومعتقلي ، انٌي أعاني منالإرهاق لكثرة رغبتي بك ، لقد إستنزفني الشوق وأضناني الإنتظار على مرفأ الأيام ، دائماً عيناي صوب الأفق البعيد علٌى سفينتي تصل وعلى متنها أنت وقوافلك فتأتيني بشياطين المسافات التي سكنتني منذ أن غاب من أغلق الباب وأغفل نافذة الذاكرة ليزيد العذاب ...

أعيش من أجل ذاك اليوم الذي تأخذني بين ذراعيك ، أعيش من أجل اللحظة التي تلتقي الشفتين لتروي يبس الحرمان فتكون قبلاتها ينبوع ومصدر الحياة حيث غزت جنود الممات ...

فهل سأشعر بحرارة شغفك مرةً أخرى أم محكوم عليٌ بالمنفى بعيداً عن بساتين حبك داخل كهفي حيث لا شيء سوى أنا والذكريات بما كان يوماً وقد فات وترك الذات تلتطم وتتخبٌط بأوجاعها وترقص على إيقاع أنينها الداخليٌ رقصة الموت في رحم الحياة؟

لينا حنا حنا

هل حقٌاً كنا؟

مررت بسمائي كمذنٌب متوهٌج بشعلةٍ من نار ونور جعلتني أحترق وأدور ، أهدأ

وأثور... استعرض شريط ذكريات جمعتنا وكوتنا في أتون الشغف المجنون في براري الهيام والإلتحام إلى حد الإلتهام، أشعر بلمساتك تجتاح جلدي فتنزف ذاكرتي بدماء رغبات قتلت على يديك بعد أن ولدت بين ذراعيك فتسأل نفسي نفسها كيف تستحيل إلى سفٌاح بعد أن كنت أنت الملاك ؟ لم أكن أعرف أن قبلاتك هلاك وادماني عليك فتٌاك...

لم أعلم عندها كم كانت قصيرة لحظات الحياة مع أني شعرت بأبدية من الثٌمالة وترنٌح ودوار الذات وتحرٌرها من قيود ربطتها حول عنقها واقعية خالية من أسمى الملذٌات ...

أعميت بصري وبصيرتي معاً ، فلم اكن أرى أو أبصر سواك ، كنت أتنفٌسك واتنشٌق أريج عطرك الجهنٌمي الممزوج برائحة عرقك ورحيقك وأهيم مخدٌرة الحواس ، كنت في حالة انخطاف وإنبعاث من موت قد تركني جثٌة حيٌة موجودة في صقيع قبور المشاعر

والأحاسيس... كنت تأخذني بعيداً عن ذاتي وتعيد الدفء والحرارة إلى جسدي فيتحوٌل إلى مهرجان من المفرقعات والأحلام ....

كنت وكنت ولكنك لم تعد ما كنته ، بل اختفيت في ضباب الأيام وتركت عقارب الساعات تلسعك وتسمٌم قلبك بحمٌى الغيرة وحب

الإمتلاك ...

افكر بك ، أسمع همساتك المجنونة ، ما زلت أسمع دقٌات قلبك التي لطالما رقصنا على ايقاعها أجمل الرقصات وتمايلت أجسادنا على هلوسات وهذيان كلمات لم تقال غير أنها قيلت من دون كلام ... ولكني الأن أنصت إلى صدى صوتٍ ناءٍ بعيد وأسأل نفسي هل حقاً كنا سوياً ؟ ألم يمحي الزمن ما قد دوٌنه بقلمه يوماً؟ هل كان يعلم مسبقاً أنه يكتب ما سيمحي لاحقاً؟

هل كنت حقاً حبيب أيها الغريب؟ هل حقاً جمعتنا الأيام أم أنك كنت سراباً وهماً في فكري؟ كيف تموت وأنت لا تزال حيٌاً ترزق في الوجود الغير موجودةٌ أنا فيه؟ كيف نتنفٌس من هواء واحد ،كيف تشرق علينا شمس واحدة دون أن نشعر بأشعتها معاً؟ كيف تكمل الطريق دون أن نلتقي على جادٌة الأحلام المتكسٌرة ؟ كيف تمضي قدماً دون أن نكون قدماً واحدة ؟

كيف يمكن أن تصطدم عيناك بعيني وتهرب العيون من عيون كانت تهرب اليها؟ آه ما أغرب القلوب البشريٌة فهي لا تبشٌر ولا تنذر دائماً بل تشعر بالخطر وتخدع البشر ....

لينا حنا حنا

Saturday, March 26, 2011

To Be a Man

What is it to be a Man? Macho does not prove mucho , a man is not his muscles nor his physical strengths, a man is as big as his brain muscles and his heart muscles, a man is a cause he believes and fights for, a man is an attitude , a man is the one who does not mind to merge the feminine side in him with the masculine side , he is the one who is in the arena , who does not protest to have his face in the mud and in the gutter in order to have his own paradise .

A man is not what is possesses but rather what he is made of , he is as rich when deprived from all his belongings, he makes a statement just by being himself, he rejoices in his intellectual wealth and finds pleasure in his emotional capacity to portray and expresses his feelings free from all restraints of traditions.

A man pushes his woman to the heights of her potentials and be the cause of her success, a man is not threaten by the achievements of a woman nor feel belittled by her success, but rather enjoys the flight with her and doubles her joy by his company and his sense of appreciation.

A man speaks his mind out loud he says it how he sees it now how others expect him to draw it, he is the heart of a lion, the ruse of a fox and the eye of an eagle who discerns and sees even the smallest creatures, he is the hunter but not for preys so he can feel his power, but he is the seeker of opportunities and the catcher of dreams to turn them into realities.

A man is his word, because that word is his own signature and without a signature what are we? We are nothing , only annihilated beings; a man is powerful not lover of power, a man is magician who turns bitter into sweet, who rises up to the challenges of life and knowing how to take the turns that life imposes on him somewhere along the road to his enchanted castle.

A man is not afraid of rejection, a man does not manipulate woman and feeds from their weaknesses, and a man is a protector of human rights and a defender of equality in rights and obligations in genders, a man gives value and do not go after the price tag, a man knows how to treat a woman and make her feel more feminine, a man provides not only material presents but also has a generous presence.

He is capable of giving fragments of himself, not only from what he owns, but never holds back on who he is, a man is his beliefs, his battles, his statements, his actions not his gender, there is a huge gap between the name and the essence ,Names does not give the entities their qualities and their substance:) Whether a male or a female . Minds do not have genders, what is good is good; there is no feminine good or masculine bad …

A man demonstrate his manhood when he combines his words with actions, when his deeds are a proof of the man he is, when he transcends himself into a higher rank of mere human being that is satisfy to exist but who is keen and eager to live and make a change, who does not take life lightly but rather give significance to his existence by always outdoing himself and be a safe place to cry and a joyful space to laugh…

A man is not an opportunist who waits and lurks in the darkness waiting for a moment of weakness a woman falls into so he can slice her world with the knife of his deceit and charades he plays only to get what he wants rather than wanting what he afraid to have…

A man is gentleman who bartends the needs of his woman and notices what changes in her and take her hand through thick and thin, a man gives his woman her space, and defends her freedom to be who she wants to be even if that does not like it…

A man does not escape danger , he laughs in the face of peril, he is not afraid to jeopardize his whole being and gamble his world for a better world that he could gain, a man knows his merit and his self esteem in spite of what he does not hold rather than because of what he owns.

A man is that hand that does not try to grab and hold hostage but rather that open hand that welcomes the bird of paradise whenever he lands, a man is that hand that does not close its grip because he knows how sacred is the wings for a bird who lives in the sky …

A man does not hide his failures for he knows they are his later conquest, that experience is the mother of wisdom , that the same ground he falls on is the ground he leans on to stand up again…he is the corner stone not the stepping stone on the journey of life…

A man is a positive force and not a destructive force that needs weapons and wars to prove him, he is his own rod and his own gun, his power is from within and not from the outer world … a man knows himself and masters his own needs and desires, he is the will power that can turn coal to gold, he is not deprived of his determination and force but he is that very force that keeps the balance in his existence…

A man speaks less and does more, a man explores and enjoys the change when it occurs , a man always find a way to make it happen, a man speaks of the solution rather than the problems and the excuses, a man does not stop for anything or anyone that goes against his grail ..

A man is his convictions and he never negotiate over his duties and his privileges, he takes but he also gives in return …

A man does not demand love but knows how to take it, a man compels you to respect him even if you do like him …

A man holds the bull by its horns and submits it to tame it, a man will go all the way to obtain his heart’s desires, a man is the woman he appreciates and the ego he poises for his psychological equilibrium.

A man is his voice and his voice turns into a scream, we cannot but listen and admire, a man speaks in his silence and he is more eloquent with few sincere words than a hundred cunning words…

Lina Hanna Hanna

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

To Be a Woman

What is it to be a woman? To be a woman is to be a stronger version of a female and a softer version of a man. It is to embrace the duality of genders in one sexual category. To be a woman is to diffuse the feminine aroma and make the flowers of desert bloom, it is to be the sky, the wind, the moon and the sun altogether and to rotate around the whole planets and defy gravity and always falling upwards.

To be a woman is to enclose every kind of woman in one, it is to know how to tackle and bring to the surface the goddess, the seductress, the sinner, the saint, the artist and the creator of herself. It is the ability to shed skins and wear new ones with every experience that she undergoes.

It is love incarnated in the capability to give life, but the heroism is to know how to sustain this life, how to keep the flame ignited with the winds of change and not allow to the storm to burn it out.

To be a woman is to always evolve for a better edition with each passing day, it is to soften the hardship and to solidify what is fragile; it is to serve a higher purpose, it is to rise above the temptations of ephemeral pleasures in order to catch the eternal delights of living life to its fullest and savoring each flavor in the banquet of existence and transforming through the discovery of a new layer that unfolds as the shell breaks to reach the inner pearl that adorns her beauty.

To be a woman is to be supportive of any triumph a man or a woman register, it is considering every victory anywhere as a victory everywhere for humanity to move forth, it is to contribute into a better world, it is to rise to the challenge and have the soldier’s soul for a battle that is to be won.

To be a woman is to recognize her god given gifts and to invest in them for a bigger purpose, it is to know who she is and what she is capable of, it is to laugh to the comedy of life and to cry to its tragedy.

It is to have a heart of a queen and the modesty of a humble servant, it is the awareness of her worth, herself dignity and respect, it is fighting for her right to be happy and never compromise her identity to please others, it is teaching others how to lead and never follow with the ability to spread enthusiastic dust over the dull existence that others may vanish under its cover.

To be a woman is to be the best sister, daughter, mother, friend, it is to impose respect even if she can’t take love, it is to know that her mind is sacred and her soul is divine and that her flesh is only accidental and that her essence is substantial.

To be a woman is to acknowledge that there is more to life than just looks and shopping and to know that life does not stop turning over a pair of shoes or a dress however important those might be.

It is the knowledge that not things or objects or any other being give her the self worth , but it comes from her very core , from the tissue of her being that makes her fibers weaved by magical strings that reflect every color that make her shine from each and every angle …

To be a woman is to know what she wants and to know how to get it and to know what she can have and what she cannot …

The unusual , the supernatural , the bravery to stand up for herself and keep her head up high no matter how hard others try to bring her down, it is having the intellectual wings that make her soar high above the limitations of logic or tradition, it is building her own laws and being faithful to her true colors … Never settle to be less than who you can become , never stay in your safety zone , jump over the fences of social boundaries and always run free in the wilderness of the world , sleep on the clouds and dance with the stars, and remember the horizon is only as far as you can look…

Lina Hanna Hanna

The Void...

Into the fog of my mind’s heart all things are disappearing; I am losing my sense of awareness, I am getting disconnected from the system, my biological organs are becoming more like instruments that I have no control over, wherever I go the crowds fade away and all the place are nothing but empty spaces, I feel nothing but hollow emotions, the time was once a friend now turned into a foe, using his army of sluggish minutes to march slowly to my death…

My dragging thoughts pull my heavy mind behind leaving traces of my bleeding ideas of freedom and a once experienced joy; broken is how I feel, shattered into fragments and pieces, worn out and exhausted, my whole being in a state of disobedience, I am vanishing little by little and as I sink deeper and deeper into the gap of my soul I am asking myself what is the void that is consuming me? Does it linger within me or it is there through everything around me, through the cracks of the material world that my ethereal entity yearns to break away from its limitations?

I no longer sense the crowd, somehow I am always isolated in the midst of population, for some reason I no longer hear words only mixed up voices and distorted language; I no longer hear the music and I have lost my ballet …

I want to dance again, I want to close the jaws of that atrocious void and stop it from eating me up alive, I want to feel again, I want to be united with the world around me, I don’t want to be numb anymore, I want the heat of life to defrost my frozen warmth …

I am in a state of total anesthetized existence where I am asleep while being wide awake , I want to stir up my soul again, I want to arouse my senses and undergo a transformation , a metamorphosis of emotions and thoughts, I want to cross over the other side and enjoy watching myself from that high distance from the ground , I want to rise up to the seventh sky while having my feet on the floor …

I want to renew my existence, to restore myself and reconcile it to my other selves. I want to fill in the blank in my soul; I want to bridge the gaps inside my inner islands and cities. I no longer want to be trapped inside the fractures of my wounded life. I do not want the bargain, I want the merchandise, and I will stop searching the bazaar of reality so I can have a better chance to find riches that are out of this world…

I want to stay hanging in the middle where there is no beginning and no end, just an ongoing state of being that endures the test of time and just goes on and on without ever arriving or reaching any destination, just being the forever nomad that belongs to all the places, just detachment, and a endless journey of discovery, simply conquering the world by never trying to own it …

Lina Hanna Hanna

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Knowing ourselves

"I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, Sir, because I'm not myself you see" Said Alice who lived in Wonderland. Wonderland is the land of the " No Wonder" where everything is possible and when all the nonesense make sense , where imagination is the only reality Alice knows of!

" I can't explain myself.... i m not Myself" what a bold statement! How many of us have the courage to admit that lack of our self knowledge and our true colors...? Oh no , sure we will not, we are not in Wonderland, this is the "Enlightened Land"...

Are we the persons we think we are? or are we strangers to ourselves?

Why is it that there are days when we wake up and feel like we can conquer the world and we can soar high in the sky and nothing can bring us down, that we are capable of achieving the impossible...

There are days when we struggle to get out of bed, where the minor problem seems to break us, we feel so fragile, so insignificant, so small, so automated in everything we do, the same faces we see starts to bore us.

the same places we once loved now turned into neutral places... places we want to escape from to some other new undiscovered territories...

We want the mystery in our lives, it makes us feel we exist more, it seduces us with its charm, tempted with the "new", the "surprising" , we want to feel astonished , even shocked while we are in that intoxication state of discovery, when exploring an unfamiliar grounds...

Yet we need the stability to feel balanced in our psychological as well as our intellectual being... we want what we already know, it procures us with a "fake " sense of security... that same old house, that same old friend... that same old place.. we are creatures of Habit! and we are strange creatures too..

The dose of adventure , we crave it, the feeling of being rekless frees us from always analyzing and thinking of the consequences of each and every single action we get involved into... we want to try new things, we want to go where we never went before, we want to loose ourselves in order to find ourselves again...

the "Play" is enchanting, it gives us power to set for the games we like to engage playing ... it makes us feel light hearted, edgy and dark....

But we are not always in the winning status.. we can risk to loose... and it is in this very act of risking of not being so sure that lies all what ties us to our " I don't think i am myself" statement.

How can we ever be sure when we are ourselves and when we are not in the midst of all this arnachy and chaos that reigns our existence? How can we explain ourselves? how can we explain the insane actions we do in a world that is supposed to be ruled by order and harmony even in the laws of nature?

Will we ever reach that point where we can say" I can explain myself... this is myself" doing this and avoiding that?or will we each be our own Alice in her WonderLand? Are we wandering because we are lost? or because we are trying to find our way?

Lina Hanna Hanna.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Dawn of yet another day …

To witness the sunrise of a fresh new day, the crack of daylight after darkness is a new way for life to unfold its mysteries and its promises; a new pledge, another chance to make it happen, the novel opportunity to start over again, an unmarked day that holds the potentials of being the most beautiful day in our lives, the smell of a hot coffee in the morning, the first hours of a day that could be the day that sums all other days…

A new hope for all our shattered dreams, and suffocated screams, that first gasp of air that we inhale to embark on our day , that spark of energy that ignites a whole field of power and life is found everywhere we travel our eyes upon …

The dawn has its secrets; it whispers softly murmurs revealing the undisclosed hidden enigmas of the universe, it speaks the tales of creation by recreating it every morning with every sunup …

The blooming flower of time begs the rays of sun to strike its petals and break out the fruits of the instance and let them blossom and flourish into various actions that adorns the garden of the self…

It is the promise, the hope whether or not they day spread out positive vibes or emits negative undulation, it is the expectancy, the eagerness that dwells within our mind is the fountain of our endurance and our vigor to rise up to the challenge that a new day can bring along or it can double up our delight of a promised heavenly turning point that can make our anticipation a realization …

So whatever mood you might wake up with, get up, dress up and show up on the stage of your life and play your role with mastery , dance along with the tunes the harp of existence is playing on that new day, whether a sad melody or a trance of a happy song, move your feet and both happiness and sadness won’t be able to contain you , nothing will hold you back from being alive and fighting for the right to life , and the right to the freedom and the liberty of enduring or enjoying!!!

Just be thankful you are still alive for another day , praise the heavens you are still there to look into the eyes of your loved ones , and enjoy their warmth and love surrounding you to either celebrate the coming of a bright marvelous day or to hold your hand and share the burden of a what can turn out to be a bad day but having the chance to make it a better one by the touch of compassionate hearts and the love of those who make your life more alive !!!

Lina Hanna Hanna.

My Enchanted Garden

In my charmed backyard I always dwell, it is where I feel well when my well is about to run dry; there I breathe the air of freedom, unity and fantasy… I escape from the cruelty of the world in a world I create in my mind, it is my home when I feel I am away from home… there , I feel the magic dust that the sky of wonder and possibility rains I dance my savage primitive dance, I howl at the full moon out of jubilation and celebration of dreams, I float on the ground for I no longer feel the need for my feet to walk, there I fly and soar high above the clouds and I make them my pillow where I rest my head and be submerged with a delightful heavenly feeling that no other place can ever grant me…

There I have every kind of Fruit that sweeten my mouth and make my lips sugary… there I have every kind of flowers and roses that are forever fresh, and forever spreading a sweet scent that intoxicates my nose and lift my smelling to a higher state of existence… there I am transformed, I am at peace with myself and my world, there I feel life running through my veins and pumping the blood of passion and love…

There no cruelty exists, no human barbarian actions, only noble beings that act up to the level of their humanity and embrace that divine breathe that was diffused in them at the hour of creation…

There, in that miraculous spot, no tears are shed, only the echoes of laughter that vibrates and shakes my bones, there where the rainbow is eternal and the sky always hugs the earth in a sweet embrace, there in that phenomenal ground, mother nature does not endure the greedy hearts of human beings, there beauty is not mutated and water is not polluted, it is the elixir of youth and the rejuvenate the skin and keeps the heart from wrinkles …

There in my secret haven, I find shelter and refuge from the vampires of human emotions where no thieves can steal away faith and hope…

It is not imaginary I can feel it more real than this brutal unkind reality that tries to imprison me in its webs, I can almost touch the untouchable state of its reality, It touches my skin and flirts with my thoughts, it reignites my flame when the winds of atrocity and horror of this life aim to burn it out and turn it into ashes…

Yes, if this makes me a dreamer, then I am guilty as charged and I want to be sentenced for life and taste eternity trapped there where I feel I am more like me and less like those murderers of humanity and compassion…

Lina Hanna Hanna

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Path to the concealed

The unrevealed, the hidden, the veiled is a challenge for most of us, but it is buried somewhere we have to dig deep and sweat hard in order to reach it, it never is easy but it sure is worth it, for the rewards are boundless and the satisfaction is tremendous for all those who enjoy to venture into the lands of the unknown and the territory of vagueness, those who are vagabonds for the truth and the lovers of light that do not mind to take the road of darkness in order to reach their destination, they are not afraid to watch what is masked and covered with the layers of material fabrics that bury the essence and the substance of life rather than highlighting it.

And the question is how do we reach that state of clarity and lucidity in a world filled with fog and confusion?

The How is by stepping into the world of the unseen through polishing the mirror of our heart , and sharpening our inner maps and allowing change to occur , it is realizing that there is a realm beyond our field of senses, it is the illumination that occurs when we have an open mind, heart and soul that are synchronized to catch the cosmic frequencies through the antenna of perception when we are in a receptive mode to contain the marvels around us and that there is within us immeasurable riches and that we are the miracle of the universe, that we can know by the means of testing the senses and get in direct contact with the raw material rather than concluding we are a finished product sealed and signed system that can never alter ...

It is when we embrace our fall for it will be the reason for us to rise again only much stronger... It is when we never stop wondering and be amazed by the singularity of what is common and familiar; it is the eye that discerns the borders of its sight to cross over to where sight is seeing with the third eye even if the other two eyes were closed...

It is by being completely empty of all permanent and stagnated and rusty prejudices that blinds and blocks our minds for the immensity and enormity of the things we ignore in comparison of those we do know, the mind is limited but the universe is unrestricted and vast, the tangible reality is not the only one that exists, for within us, we enclose many worlds that are unfamiliar to us, that are waiting to be travelled and discovered.

What we feel does not always walk in accordance to what we see, to what obeys the laws of our senses and our inspection, the world of ideas, of meanings and connotations, the subsistence of the world of direct awareness and understanding that revolts on our physical concrete means of our comprehension.

How can you educate your mind to reach the enlightenment? You can start by rubbing your beliefs and your readymade thoughts and testing your waters. You should question your answers and refute your premises; you should invade your fears and submit them to the joy of a new breakthrough that can shape the person you are and help lifting him up to an elevated superior state of being , that is capable of defying all norms and traditions in order to make way for your own regulation, one that you have experience and not that has been passed on to you , you will be active in the play of your life and no longer be among the crowd but you will stand from them and follow your own light rather than depending on the luminosity of others.

You will leave yourself in order to come back to it and master it for it would be tested and hardened by your own quest for your true identity.

You may not see with your eyes but you will sure watch with the eye of your mind and rejoice in heavenly sights that does not exist anywhere on this planet, you will be able to grow your own wings for when you reach that height the only way back down is if you fly …

Lina Hanna Hanna.

The Five Senses

The world we inhabit is a material world, we perceive it through our senses, we discover and learn about the objects through the employ of these senses and we acquire what we obtain from getting in direct contact with everything that is around us.

Beauty is found everywhere our eyes can reach, natural beauty with the wonders of the magical landscape and the breath taking picturesque scenery of the sky, the moon, the sun and the trees that stand the test of time and endure the four seasons each with a specific appeal that nurtures our need for a daily dose of splendor and enchantment. Eyes are made for looking, what is more divine that looking into the eyes of someone we love? What is more delightful that witnessing the marvels of a happy face with a beautiful smile that can wash away the cruelty that stains and pollutes our sight when we live in a hostile environment?

When we touch textiles and fabrics, or when we embrace another human being, we engage the sense of touch to bridge the gap we have between our two worlds, this interaction allows us to seize our understanding of them and we can learn a lot about who we are as well as who they are to us, and as a result either cohere or disconnect to and from them.

When we inhale fragrances, we allocate our mind to reject or to accept the aroma we are smelling, and that particular scent is our gate to recognize and discern between an odor we enjoy and one that we decline, we fill up our smelling reservoir with perfumes that awakens our brains to mastering the world of hints and traces that linger in our memory and thus decode the unknown strange riddle of what it is like to smell.

When we eat, we get to taste different flavors and be selective of what we favor, and what we repel, what stirs our appetite and arouse it and what kills our taste buds for a savor or a tang of what we find delicious and mouth watering and what we find tasteless.

When we succumb to a certain sound, whether in mother nature, or a piece of music, we identify with it and it will shake our inner world and summon our deepest longing for a soothing melody or an angry one or a romantic one, may it be the voice of thunder, the voice of a lover or the sound of falling rain that connects us to the nostalgia we have for anything that was once ours but we lost somewhere along the line.

We live and depend on the leash of our five senses, our first encounter with the world is through the radar of our mind we detect and find ourselves when find something or someone or somewhere that makes us spend our five senses together so we can experience the unseen and ethereal world when we leave our material secular senses to reach a higher state of becoming one with the object we get in touch with.

When we reach a point where we do not need our eyes to see and our nose to smell, our ears to listen and our mouth to taste, then and only then we can master the use of our five senses and know that it is not only by touching that one can feel nor by looking can be see the things that can be felt rather than seen for how many of you look but fail to see, touch but fail to feel, smell but fail to inhale, taste but fail to savor,hear but fail to listen?

Lina Hanna Hanna.